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Getting Started

Gain a basic understanding of Pecan and general key machine-learning concepts
Why the Right Predictive Question is Key to AI SuccessPecan's Predictive GenAI simplifies the process, turning complex AI modeling into intuitive steps. Dive in and propel forward!
Building Your Own ML Model with Pecan: A Walkthrough for EveryoneUnlock the power of machine learning in 4 easy steps with Pecan—no PhD required! Perfect for BI analysts and data enthusiasts alike.
Getting started: What table you need for predictive successEquip Pecan with your transactional table and unlock powerful insights. Your data's future starts here!
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Pecan's demo data
Best Practices for Your First NotebookKickstart your first model with a simple target, an event-based trigger, minimal attributes—grow gradually and refine iteratively.
Pecan & Information SecuritySecure your insights with Pecan! Learn how we protect your data and maintain robust information security.
Pecan's GlossaryCrack open the shell of predictive analytics with our nutty glossary, packed full of kernel knowledge for all your modeling needs!
Deleting Your Pecan AccountWhile we are sorry to hear that you've decided to remove or disable your account - we're here to make it smooth and simple